Revision: $Id: change.txt,v 1.158 2016/07/16 07:55:40 sfplanets Exp $ 17-04-02 16:22 * repair config reader * add hull functions for enemy ships * add web/mine hit damage info for enemy ships * add proper mine rate for Phost games in minefield info in projected minefield (SHIFT-F9 from ship) * change text in minefield info when owner of minefield is not player * add MaxShipHissing for Phost ( is there a limit in Thost ? ) * add same info in minefields info and in projected minefield (SHIFT-F9 from ship) how many best beams to sweep field safe travel probability to center decay information when field info from current turn 24-04-02 09:55:40 * accurate fuel burn for Phost * web info in mine laying simulator 2002-05-06 23:07 * update 'Hull functions' for enemy ships. Don't show this message when there are no special functions for hull. * screen saver is working again in non SVGA mode. * when there were 2 or more wormholes in range and their data was old and ship does wormholes scan (WRS) some of them were deleted. Phost reports only ONE wormhole in range, so they should not be deleted. Delete them only when ship has all wormhole scan ability. * fix in displaying lists - now moving of mouse clears all object on list not only ships, so keys 0..9 are not working improperly. * new VPA.INI parameter ShowFinalHappy = Off Setting it ON will make VPA to show happy after taxation instead of happy change. * if happy<30 taxes rates are cleared in Phost, so happy will grow next turn. Show good prediction of this. I assume that is Thost rule too. 2002-05-14 20:27 * repair bug introduced by ShowFinalHappy parameter. In same cases unwanted {-1} was displayed. * VPA same times trys to delete old wormholes that are old but valid. New VPA.INI parameter AltWormholes = On Setting to off will prevent deleting any wormholes. 2002-05-20 23:55 * bug in setting marker at the end of waypoint of ship corrected. Such point can have XY out off warp rectangle. * Change in DrawWLine procedure so hopefull will show allways shortest path for chunnel 2002-05-27 14:02 * DrawFlyPath procedure changed to show properly chunneled ships. * Final change in DrawWLine procedure. Now in all zoom levels lines are shown correctly. * When AltWormholes = On more wormhole information and better wormholes display (allways shortest path is displayed) * Shift-H toggles ShowFinalHappy. 2002-06-03 23:13 * Shift-U wormholes names bug fixed. 2002-07-27 Stefan Reuther * updated cc\phostm.pas: preserve order of commands * made marker masks more robust and luser-proof 2002-07-28 Stefan Reuther * support for message templates generating variable-size circles * fixed display of foreign ships' equipment 2002-08-02 Stefan Reuther * fixed util.dat parsing. VPA would have "carried over" owner information from a sensor sweep record and applied it to all following planets. Bug found by Heiko Schlenker. 2002-08-06 to 2002-08-08 Stefan Reuther * remote control support for missions. Removed dependency on VPACC for this. * added configuration file. Code related to auto tasks is now wrapped in $IFDEF TASKS. Compiled-in options are now shown on "VPA /?". * fixed printing of M.I.T. missions 2002-09-01 13:34 Piotr Winiarczyk * Shift-B starship build cost simulator. When in ship context current ship is displayed. In all other cases race choose screen is displayed. * Shift-U (only in starship building screen) toggles show upgrade costs on/off. * bug fix in saving outgoing messages for PHOST 2002-09-13 Stefan Reuther * instant battle result for PHost using util.dat 2002-10-15 00:22 Piotr Winiarczyk * Ship building costs display improved. * Alchemy and Rafinery ships show good fuel usage. * Change in displaying free memory at startup. * All text files should have DOS end of line ! * Ext. mission = 29 (Standard Super Spy ) and mission = 30 (Cloak) correct fuel usage. 2002-10-23 19:28 Piotr Winiarczyk * Ship building costs display improved again. * Alchemy and Rafinery ships show good fuel usage when towed. * VPA read ExtMissionsStartAt, AllowExtendedMissions PHOST parameters. 2002-10-29 23:30 Piotr Winiarczyk * VPA read PHost FreeFighters, ProductionRate, RecycleRate parameters. * Ship building has prediction of next turn available minerals and cash. Press 'n' to get next turn minerals. A lot of host program actions are simulated: DONE : Cyborg self repair alchemy hiss Base FIX, recycle (no ally check, what about fighters and torps) supp_damage move (HYP,no TOW resolution, just the lowest ID wins) base free fighters colonize (what about fighters and torps) sup production planetary production NOT DONE : Beam up Give ship ship fighters production gambling ships Torp build on ships advanced alchemy 'dmp' base FC Chunnel allies (unload for bases) RGA & Pillage 2002-10-31 22:56 Piotr Winiarczyk * VPA read PHost DamageLevelForChunnelFail, MinimumChunnelDistance, AllowAlliedChunneling parameters. Chunnel code updated. * Changed config reader to handle %PHOST like keywords. %PCONFIG section has 'FreeFighters' parameter. That caused that 'FreeFighters' was read twice. Second read zeroed this param ! * Ship building prediction update: DONE : ship fighters production gambling ships Torp build on ships advanced alchemy 'dmp' base FC Chunnel allies (unload for bases) NOT DONE : Beam up and down Give ship RGA & Pillage Fed Super Refit 2002-11-02 18:35 Piotr Winiarczyk * Updated chunnel code to handle AllowAlliedChunneling PHost parameter. * Mineral mines production for PHost updated. * Ship building prediction update: DONE : Base Max Defence mission * Fuel usage prediction is corrected due to alchemy, rafinery, torpedo and fighter building, Borg self repair and supplies repairing damage. 2002-11-07 Stefan Reuther * "$send-file" command for cmdX.txt 2002-11-12 Piotr Winiarczyk * Ship building prediction update: DONE : jettison and cargo dump beam down money ('bdm' or mission=25) Actions on mission = 9 check mission =ExtMissionsStartAt+11 too. Better ship filtering. 2002-11-23 Stefan Reuther * cloak fuel burn also used for PHost extmission 31 * ramscoop: use actual hull function not hull id; also works unregistered 2002-11-24 Stefan Reuther * handle cloaking extmissions correctly and uniformly * improved HYP (">=340" for PHost, ">340" for THost) 2002-12-08 Piotr Winiarczyk * bug in fuel prediction corrected. 2002-12-19 Stefan Reuther * vpamm: fixed crash when invoking PVCR [reported by Heiko Schlenker] * vpamm: restore palette after exiting from base screen * vpamm: PutImage/GetImage (and therefore, the mouse pointer and pictures) work 2003-01-23 22:11 Piotr Winiarczyk * shift-z changes ship list sort order ( ship id, battle order, hull id, tow ) * external mission remember their initial values when entered more than once. 2003-01-24 23:50 Piotr Winiarczyk * alt-f9 torpedo number calculator for given minefield radius. 2003-01-26 16:48 Piotr Winiarczyk * 'r' in minefield screen changes minefield radius, giving information how many torpedoes add/scoop to get desire minefield. * Reset mouse and video is now Shift-v 2003-02-02 Stefan Reuther * VPA crashes when unloading to a planet about which nothing is known [reported by Vano Opulsky] 2003-02-05 23:04 Piotr Winiarczyk * bug in ship list sort order corrected 2003-02-06 22:53 Piotr Winiarczyk * improvements in ship list * better wrap map rules for Phost version >= 3.3c 2003-03-03 22:42 Piotr Winiarczyk * bugs in Rafinery-involved code corrected 2003-03-19 Stefan Reuther * mineral extraction formula for THost changed to more precise one * fixed bug in fuel computation * allow "reply" in message reader also when language is not English * vpamm: mouse pointer no longer leaves dirt on screen (still not perfect) 2003-03-21 Stefan Reuther * use correct UnitsPerTorpRate for mining prediction 2003-02-23 Bernhard Burgermeister * Hisss Effect for Remote-Controlled ships added * Phost RamScoopFuelPerLY Config-Option corrected * Pillage-Information added to planet-information (from utilx.dat or updated vpa.msg neccessary - only tested with PHost) * Warning when vpa.msg missing or unreadable because of UNIX line-endings 2003-03-07 Stefan Reuther * Overflow in mining rate fixed 2003-03-10 Bernhard Burgermeister * Distance2-Function now respects Wraparound - BUG fixed: - mouse is not going to nearest object when near uni border when wrap=yes 2003-03-12 Stefan Reuther * added queue position display for build orders * added 'give' command for planets * fixed crash in simulator. This should never have worked. * vpamm: set correct palette, to make bitmap display and VCR work 2003-03-13 Bernhard Burgermeister * Added List of used PBx-Codes (Show with Ctrl-P) * fixed Hit-Probabilities, Decay and Sweep-Hints for Webmines * In Minefield-Prediction (Shift-F9) allow numbers up to 99999 2003-03-22 Stefan Reuther * added message filter a la PCC * updated help file, distance mode now has a page for its own * vpamm: bitmap display finally works correctly(tm). Whoever invented that data format ought to be shot. * added "Font" keyword in vpa.ini, System section 2003-03-29 * message filter settings are now saved * vpamm: palette finally works, too 2003-03-31 Bernhard Burgermeister * PBx-List shows clones too (PHOST) * Added Minefield-Simulation (Shift-F10) (incomplete) 2003-04-06 Piotr Winiarczyk * bug in ship building prediction corrected * fixed bug in fuel computation :-) 2003-06-02 Dacian Hantig * fixed rounding in happiness prediction * movement predicts up to 100 turns * fixed minefield decay display * improved distance display 2003-06-02 Stefan Reuther * changed ShipSortTable from static to dynamic allocation, to avoid data segment overflow. It needs about 8k, leaving just a handful bytes free in total. * renamed "" -> "msgX.ini" -- VPA 3.61d release 2003-06-11 Piotr Winiarczyk * added ship cloning in ship building prediction. 2003-06-15 Stefan Reuther * imported new versions of cc\*.pas -- VPA 3.61e release 2003-08-09 Stefan Reuther * 'l' now honors remote control. 'Colonies build fighters = No' does not prevent them from building torps. * shift-f9 honors remote control and 'miX' fcodes. 2003-09-01 Stefan Reuther * vpamm: fixed rounding problems 2003-09-04 Stefan Reuther * fixed bug #785052: mis-calculation with AccurateFuelModel=yes 2003-09-06 Stefan Reuther * use correct Cobol formulas * added "features.txt" 2003-09-14 Stefan Reuther * read, display and store PHost 4.x experience levels 2003-09-22 Stefan Reuther * added proper support for unpacking and checksumming in Host999 games -- VPA 3.61f release 2003-11-14 Stefan Reuther * updated PVCR invocation for PVCR 4.0 2003-12-04 Stefan Reuther * from Brian Graversen: 't' to cycle mine sweep beam types; handle over-mining 2003-12-10 Stefan Reuther * merged in "actual list" changes from Andrew Andrienko * fix: cycle-by-Id got stuck on planets about something was known but not their positions -- VPA 3.61g release 2003-12-19 Stefan Reuther * fix: "Buy more" only appears when resources are available 2003-12-30 Piotr Winiarczyk * F6 - planet economy simulator v1.0 * Shift-F1 - resources in current location next turn * Shift-F2 - ships next turn in current location * General help page splited into 2 pages * Help general pages updated (ctrl-p, alt-f9, shift-f10, shift-f1, shift-f2, f6) * Mine laying using FC codes in fuel prediction 2004-02-05 Stefan Reuther * new: derive scores from game data if score blanker is being used * fix: use correct formulas from Host 3.22.026 * bumped version number to 3.62 2004-02-11 Bernhard Burgermeister * Cycle through ships/planets by nearest location (o,O-keys) respecting done-marker * Shift-F11 Player-Hints v0.1 * Show Min/Min/Max clans on planet for attack/growth/survive (disabled due to incomplete formulas) * Minefield-Prediction tries to guess mine-alliances * Several new options read from pconfig.src 2004-02-11 Stefan Reuther * fix: allow comments with '#' in lines with assignments in config files 2004-02-22 Stefan Reuther * fix: make plansim compile in VPAMM * polished for release -- VPA 3.62 release 2004-01-12 Piotr Winiarczyk * Bugs in invoking F6, Shift-F1, Shift-F2 procedures corrected * Display in ship yard screen corrected 2004-01-14 Piotr Winiarczyk * Help on ship sort order * After FC change ship list will be sorted * new target 'vhlpshow.exe' in makefile 2004-01-22 Piotr Winiarczyk * 'mkt' increments torpedos number on ship * build fighters missions adds fighters to ships and bases for predictions 2004-02-09 Piotr Winiarczyk * Shift-F10 update -FC in minefield laying, SweepRange readed from config (Phost) scoop with 0,0 A,0 or 0,B parameters, UnitsPerTorpRate * Help on ship sort order corrected * F6 climate, if nativetype==0 do not allow to set happy tax, pop or gov 2004-02-11 Piotr Winiarczyk * Shift-F10 update - Colonists fighter sweep 2004-03-07 Christian Graefe * The following config (THost) parameters are now parsed from messages, written to HCONFIG.INI, and read from it: AssimilationRate, CrystalDesertAdvantage, ClimateLimitsPop, ClimateDeathRate, EatSupplies. 2004-03-15 Christian Graefe * Features from 'CGExt for VPA' have been merged with the main source branch and are now referred to as 'Extended Features'. These inlcude: - Quality Assurance: Now a mere front-end to Andrew's 'actual list'. - Borgculator: Planet prediction and planning tool. - Object Notes: Attach notes to ships, planets and bases. - Resource Statistics: A summary of all your resources. - Fleet Report: A structured overview of your ships. - Inter-Planetary Connections: Constellations of the Echocluster. - Ion Storm Waypoint Prediction: Navigate in class 4 and 5 storms. - Population Growth Prediction: Display it on the planet info screen. - Map Border: Disable it if it annoys you. - Data Exchange Subscription: Automate sending of planet data. - Score Prediction: What your ships are worth in AutoScore or PTScore. - Territory Overview: Your area of influence at a glance (experimental). Please, see extfeat.txt for further details. * Fixed tax calculation for Cyborg (THost). 2004-03-18 Bernhard Burgermeister * Fixed Bug 917480 marker to base now possible * Show engine number of ships in Phost-Games for AlternativeTow * Fixed part of bug 906502 - no scroll when pressing o any more 2004-03-22 Bernhard Burgermeister * Make ShowMaxPop configurable in vpa.ini. New key: ShowMaxPop=On|Off 2004-03-22 Christian Graefe * Fix: In tax caculation the lower happiness limit is 31 for THost but 30 for PHost. * Fix: ClimateDeathRate parameter is now read correctly from THost messages. * The current score value of own ships will now be displayed on the ship info screen if ShowScoreValue is set to ON in VPA.INI. -- VPA 3.62a release 2004-04-08 Stefan Reuther * Fix: maketurn now filters out dull transfers generated by planets.exe 2004-04-08 Christian Graefe * Fix: Solved integer overflow problem in score calculation (bug#928225). * Ships and planets that have a note attached to them are now marked with an icon on their info screen and on the QA overview list. * Tried to tweak the object note interface (see request#930622): - Directly return to ship/planet screen after edit or clear. - Editing and clearing notes doesn't need to be confirmed anymore. Old behaviour may be restored with ConfirmNotes=On in VPA.INI. 2004-04-30 Christian Graefe * StructureDecay host parameter is now read from messages and written to hconfig.ini. 2004-05-03 Sub * Native government typ changed into an percentage and appended to the race * New colonist- and native-prediction, or Ground Combat prediction. - on enemy planets, a min. (if Attack-Factor>1) and max of colonists to capture the planet is shown. - if colonists are to little to grow, minimum is shown to get growth - maximum colonists/natives on planet is shown 2004-05-04 Sub * Warp speeds higher that damage allows are displayed in red. 2004-05-08 Stefan Reuther * Added "100% exact" fuel computation for HOST. This needs a new file 'vpadist.dat'. 2004-05-11 Sub * Fix: Solved native death=0 when happiness is below 70 * Planets with defenses (or SB defenses) now show battle values (battlemass, beams x beamtype and fighters : fighterbays). TODO: - PDamage and cfg_AlternativeCombat (PHost values) - ShowCombatStrength to switch on/off this dispay 2004-05-11 Christian Graefe * Fix: StructureDecay should now be read from PHost config, too. * AllowAlternativeCombat is now read from PHost config. * Added ShowCombatStrength parameter to interface section of VPA.INI. TODO: This is intended for Sub's new feature and doesn't do anything, yet. 2004-05-11 Sub * Fix: AllowAlternativeCombat value and ShowCombatStrength switch integrated in ShowPlanCombatStrength-routine. Also added a new key (shift-D) to switch the line on/off within VPA. * ExtFeat-key (shift-j) now switch trough ShowMaxPop/ShowColonistPrediction: off/off -> off/on -> on/off -> again off/off If on/on is read from vpa.ini, it is changed to on/off. * Fix: PlanetInfo shows old native-layout if ShowMaxPop is off. * Help added for the functions above. TODO: rus-hlp??? * vpa.ini: Items order and defaults changed a little bit. 2004-05-13 Sub * Added the running-out-of-fuel formular to the movement fuel-calculations so you can use significantly less fuel and still arrive at the desired wp. 2004-05-14 Christian Graefe * Connection lines between planets (shift-l, ctrl-l) are now calculated more precisely. Warp-wells are taken into acount automatically. If the distance specified is less than 10 it will be interpreted as warp speed instead of lightyears. If it is given as warp speed VPA will determine the distance using movement simulation for borderline cases. 2004-05-15 Sub * Fix: Amorph-dinner and ming for armoph planets fixed. * Added comment to the new running-out-of-fuel formular. * Removed PDamage from BattleStrength (still TODO: Base torps in phost?) * Improved ground attack display (no more "GC:1-1") * Changed NSStr-function 2004-05-19 Sub * Fix: ShipInfo dont show crew or damage when hull is -1 (overlapping line) And 'H' of 'Hull' now is writen in white to show the key to use. * Added a mass difference for foreign ships * Big improvements on the ChooseMenu-procedure (added more keys and searching) * Fix: Enemy ships with warp=0 now can be used in distance-mode to predict fuel consumption. Shift-Space (no matter if locked or not) now always enter normal distance mode (only distance). 2004-05-20 Sub * Planets with unknown defense posts now enter simulation with maximized dp. * Fix: Fuel usage now uses only integer and divs to prevent rounding errors. Movement now should be exactly 100% correct! 2004-05-22 Sub * MenuString now is set in ChooseMenu * New functions in screen.pas: EnterEngine, EnterBeam, EnterTorp * Improved CombatSimulator by adding Menues to engine, weapon, torp and race lines. Also an ESC(27) is now used correctly. 2004-05-23 Sub * Added MakeNumDots to makes bigger values better recognizable. Applied to the current and maximum population (for natives and colonists). * When a planet is unowned, Native Happiness-Change is shown in parenthesis. (plus: a small fix in my MakeNumDots changes) * Another menu improvement: empty lines are skipped. * CTRL-T now sets the maximum tax for max-grow when Ntax<1. This way, you can see right away how many colonists you need to collect all the taxes. 2004-05-25 Sub * vpamsg.doc now mentions the new configuration fields (like StructDecay etc.). 2004-06-03 Sub * Fix: small fix in WriteMaxPop in for borg players. 2004-06-09 Sub * Fix: Overpopulation-supplies now div'ed and longint used for supp. * Those '00' added to the colonist and native clans now show up in Green. 2004-06-18 Stefan Reuther * Fix: due to typo 'disttabl.dat' was not searched in game directory 2004-06-18 Sub * Fix: DrawPath-DrawChunnel was not initialized with false and produced random errors. 2004-06-24 Stefan Reuther * Fix: file handle leak in 'koreX.dat' stale file handling, this caused VPA to bomb out when many players' files exist in a directory -- VPA 3.62b release 2004-09-30 Bernhard Burgermeister * Read minefield explosions from utilx.dat and display them (Switch X) (Phost-only) * Added Clock (Switch C) (Feature request) * show always number of engines for own ships (Feature request) * Reset waypoint of all ships with waypoint in warpwell and speed>1 (Ctrl-Z) (Feature request) * added warning for common-mistake LowFuel (Feature request) * Planet search finds exact matching name first (Bug report) 2004-10-17 Bernhard Burgermeister * added warning for common-mistake FC=HYP and hyperjump not possible (FR 949607) * fixed bug 1038150 (invalid race numbers) * show happyness of own planets with happyness -1 (Bug 958960) * show scores of dead races if they are important for the changes of totals (Bug 959785) * don't show (fixed) if crew/hull does not need fixing (Bug 995635) * show number of min/max clans when transfering colonists to a planet (if ShowMaxPop=yes) (FR 579922) 2004-10-24 Bernhard Burgermeister * added Warp-circles (Toggle with Shift-W off-normal-gravitonic) * added Function DrawWXCircles which uses lines for circles so that dotted lines and XOR-Mode is possible 2004-11-17 Christian Graefe * Fix: Scores are now read correctly (again) if there are players with zero ships in the first rst file opened. They wouldn't get initialized since the time the anti-score-blanker was introduced. * SweepRange and WebSweepRange host parameters are now read from messages and written to hconfig.ini. 2004-11-19 Christian Graefe * VPA now does its best to extract from the messages the information whether an enemy mine field is web-mine style or not. This is especially relevant to players using Dosplan, but also for non-crystalline web-mines under Winplan. (Two new message types and a few new fields were introduced to VPA.MSG for this purpose.) 2004-11-18 Bernhard Burgermeister * Added new unit Ini to manage ini-Files and other config-lists * Ctrl-O opens vpa-configuration dialog - values can not be saved at the moment * Common Mistakes is now configurable. 2004-11-30 Christian Graefe * Mine field explosions (Shift-X) now work for THost, too. VPA will create an UTILx.DAT file for this purpose, for now containing explosion records, only. * Fix: There were several surprising bugs in mine field data handling. Mine field radius is now displayed correctly (replaced Trunc() by Round() in radius formulas). The merging of data parsed from messages with that from KOREx.DAT now accounts for mine field decay. Winplan users should now get the precise number of units whenever possible, already including decay. 2004-01-12 Christian Graefe * Added command line switch /BGI to support third party BGI drivers. Syntax is /BGI:drivername,driverdir,bgimode. E.g., if you copy your BGI driver named svga.bgi to your VPA directory and you intend to use it's mode number 5 say: /BGI:svga,,5 2004-04-11 Stefan Reuther * Polished for release * Moved some functions from VPA2 to new module VPA4 to avoid code segment getting too big * Moved initialisation of unit Ini to explicit function call, VPAMM needs that -- VPA 3.62c release 2005-07-19 Stefan Reuther * Refuse to accept mission arguments outside [0,10000] (reported by Patrick de Groot). Those are the PHost limits; HOST's limits are even tighter. 2005-08-21 Christian Graefe * Added worst-case-finder to combat simulator. Press 'w' to find the worst possible outcome for the left hand side, or 'W' for the right hand side's worst case. In addition, summarizing statistics will be displayed, showing for each side how often it will be destroyed or captured. 2005-11-19 Stefan Reuther * Added PHost 4.0j hull function support, prototype * Updated files in CC * Added per-ship function support * Saved some memory by limiting string values 2006-01-16 Stefan Reuther * Fixed crash in ShipExperience() when called during loading [Heiko Schlenker] 2006-08-15 Stefan Reuther * Added ability to deal with TARGETx.EXT 2006-11-27 Stefan Reuther * Updated hullfunc.txt code: handle AdvancedAntiCloak, handle "Hull = Num (NAME)" 2007-02-02 Stefan Reuther * Add support for ship lists compiled with "peng -x" (PList 3.0), i.e. having null bytes in names. OutTextXY seems to truncate them, causing no costs to be displayed for Bistromathics, for example * Add support for PHost 4.1 mining formula on planet screen (bug #1633931). Untested. 2007-03-11 Stefan Reuther * Read StarbaseCost, BaseFighterCost, FreeFighterCost, ShipFighterCost, MaximumDefenseOnBase, MaximumFightersOnBase options * handle StarbaseCost, BaseFighterCost, MaximumFightersOnBase, FreeFighterCost, MaximumDefenseOnBase * changed version to 3.63 2007-07-19 Stefan Reuther * fixed LockDistTarget so that it does not make all ships with a PHost extmission try to tow; this yielded bogus fuel usage predictions. Reported by Thomas Klebes. 2007-07-22 Stefan Reuther * fixed CalcMove to compute correct fuel usage for Alchemy ships that tow another ship (or other ships with before-move mass changes). Reported by Thomas Voigt. 2007-08-19 Thomas Voigt * added OptimizeFuel and AutoAdjustWarp options. * replaced engine level by "max safe warp" function, since for some engines the best speed is not the level (e.g. Improbability drive has level 8, but can go at speed 9) * changed error to warning if data of other players was found but no corresponding xyplan.dat in explore map mode, if no explore map is found at all then VPA tries to read xyplan.dat * fixed bug that native happy change of avians was not predicted correctly in the planet sim (F6) * fixed incorrect warning (Shift-F11) that a ship has a gravity well destination even if the waypoint was outside the wells (which happened when the waypoint was outside of round gravity wells but in rectangular gravity wells) * fixed a crash after erasing a new note (ctrl-n) 2007-08-20 Thomas Voigt * corrected fuel prediction for ships with advanced cloaking device * Shift-R will display range of ships (draw 4 circles corresponding to the maximum distance at safe speed that can be covered within 1-4 turns) * Fixed bug that planet simulator would assimilate amorphous natives * Fixed fuel prediction for ships with lfm friendly code * Fixed fuel prediction in distance mode with mission "build fighters" 2007-08-23 * fixed bug that bioscanner info would erase previously known owner * fixed bogus InWarp warning for ships with waypoints far away * changed minerals+supplies field to funds+supplies in planet prediction * increased number of warp circles to 6 in range prediction 2008-01-22 Christian Graefe * Fixed minor memory leak caused by the fix resolving the seg-fault when clearing a new note. (ctrl-n) * Fixed bug in calculation of connection lines between planets. 2008-10-25 Stefan Reuther * Imported new version of cc/hullfunc.pas: PlayersAllowed now works * Recognize ChunnelSelf, ChunnelOthers, ChunnelTarget abilities. *** Note that VPA no longer compiles without 'VPACC' defined unless someone *** backports support for these new functions to the old VPA hullfunc *** management code. 2009-03-14 Stefan Reuther * VPAMM: implemented proportional font support instead of using 8x8 fixed size font everywhere. This makes markers look similar to regular VPA, and take up less space. 2009-03-21 Stefan Reuther * VPAMM: proportional font is now same typeface as in regular VPA 2009-05-24 Alexey Veselovsky * read base yes/no information from UTIL.DAT dark sense record 2011-02-06 * released 3.63 2011-03-08 Stefan Reuther * VPAMM: double ReservedMemory to avoid crash when using big menus (e.g. Ctrl-O). 2011-03-08 to 2011-03-14 Quapla (V3.64 pre Release) * Destination of chunnel is shown as a yellow dotted line * added Chunnel-Check in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes Green: A ship tries to perform a chunnel (has FC set) Red-F: -> this ship fails because of wrong own parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.) Red-T: -> destination ship(s) fail because of wrong parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.) * Waypoint of ships with warp are shown as dotted lines * Forecast Support for Unity-Addon added, Borgplayer disassembled Clans will be shown. * Fixed a nasty bug that assimilation grow was not displayed on non-growning tempered planets. * Fixed an alchemy forecarst bug (nat/nad/nam only valid for PHOST) * added Unity Advanced Jump in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes * added DA max disassemble in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes * moved Ini_Init_CMistakes + MyMax to VPA4 due to lack of memory * added Addon Management (CTRL-U) * Help updated * Bug fixed on Non Dosboxed game with Chunnel-Line * Valid Hyperjumps are shown in different color, Jumps with bad Destination are shown dotted * Bug fixed, Borg Self Repair only with fuel * Bug fixed, Display 0 Colonits only on Borg-Owned Planets * PlanetInfo(), BaseInfo() and BaseStorage() moved to VPA4.PAS 2011-03-16 to 2011-03-20 Quapla (V3.64ß1) * MyCalc started ! DrawMineCircly optical bug, Units added * ShowMines reorganized and individual Beam/Sweep Function added 2011-03-20 Stefan Reuther * fixed *.hhh line endings * set version number to "3.64b1" (which is, unlike beta/sz #255, legible with Cyrillic fonts, too) 2011-03-23 to 2011-03-28 Quapla (3.64b2) * Help added for Mine Info * Check sweep (msc) and mines (md?, mi?) within Most Common Mistakes ! MineSim Bugfixed (nasty (m^.web and 1=0) issues, I hope everything is OK) ! MineSim Decayed Mines are dsplayed, too. Swept Out Mines are displayd. Swept fields blink. Ships are still flagged. ! MyCalc bugfixed ! MineInfo bugfixed 2011-03-23 to 2011-03-28 Quapla (3.64b3) ! Low memory bug at Runhost/Alchemy fixed (no crash under windows, too many if-else) 2011-04-01 to 2011-04-03 Quapla (3.64b4) ! Chunnel Destination calculation considers MinChnunelDistance, added to Common Mistakes, too. ! Experimatal: CTRL-U allows writing of {FOLDER}\VPA.INI (requested by users) ! Chunnel-Check in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes S-Chunnel -> Green: A (Firecloud) ship tries to perform a chunnel (has FC set) No Start: -> Origin ship fails because of wrong own parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.) No End: -> destination ship(s) fail because of wrong parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.) Low Distance: -> Distance for Chunnel is to short (i.e. 100LY) + Check Addon Starbase+ Money-Transfer, RMT and TM[1-5] Base-Codes within Common Mistakes SHFT-F11 Even Moneytranser from Settings are handled. -> Todo intergration in RunNext Host forecast, if desired... + Access Addon Menu from Common Mistakes + Added Integer handling within INI.PAS (adopted to Max money, can easily be enhanced) 2012-04-14 Stefan Reuther * fix handling of util.dat record #12: when a planet is seen through a RST and through UTIL.DAT, do not overwrite the mineral ground/density values. Those are only in the RST. 2012-07-01 Stefan Reuther * read AllowWraparoundMap and WraparoundRectangle from pconfig.src, overriding MAP.INI. Limitation: those should not be changed using a UTIL.DAT file transfer. 2013-01-24 Quapla (3.65b1) + Klingon Pillage in Planet Simulation (F6) added + Rebel RGA in Planet Simulation (F6) added ! LiZ Hiss fixed * Todo: Check CivilWar/Riots in F6 ! Build Screen fixed for special abilities in prediction (Bug ID ID: 3278371) 2013-01-27-2013-02-06 Quapla (3.65b2) + Shift-F: Forecast for Planets (Minerals, Cash, Weappons) and Ships (ID and Name) are subtitled on screen ! Klingon Pillage/Rebel RGA in Planet-View (Happy, Colonist, Natives) * want to add here: Show ammount of pillaged money/supply for the ships ! F6: Klingon Pillage/Rebel RGA -> No ship movement calculated. (Feature, no bug, to simulate the planet better) ! Shift-F1 Planet-Forecast now shows its forecasted ships, too (like Shift-F2) ! Shift-F1 and Shift-F: Forecast in correct order, with Pillage/RGA and Planet Growth, all well sorted and reorganzed. Still to be checked and improved! Now is a complete host run for the planet simulated. * i.e., put pillaged money onto the forecasted ships, done ! Above improves the forecast in base ship building, too ! Now: Free Fighters are read and calculated from Host Messages, too ! CivilWar/Riots fixed 2013-02-08 - 2013-02-16 Quapla (3.65b3) ! Moved Clock ! Shift_F cosmetics + Pillage forecast for ships added + Gather Mission added to Forecast + Transfer added to Forecast + VPA Extra Feature read from messages and handled in transfers 2013-02-16 Quapla (3.65b4) ! VPA Extra and FreeFighters saved in HCONFIG.INI ! handle ShipFighterCost in Forecast + Super Refit in Forecast and in ship display added + Forecase for brandnew starbases added (N) ! Bug fixed in Groundattack/Beam up and Handling Forecast 2013-02-28 Quapla (3.65b5) ! Nasty Stack Overflow bug fixed, that prevented 3.65b1-b4 to run under plain DOS/Windows-XP + Ground Attack Simulation added 2013-02-28 - 2013-03-17 Quapla (3.65b6) ! Debugging Info removed ! Screen display for ground attack fixed + Forecast for ships added # Still memory bugs reported. -> try to fix it. 2013-03-20 - 2013-03-27 Quapla (3.65b7) ! Fixed Division by Zero, getting Build-Fighter Data + Check Mistakes F11: Cloning added '!' {Clone done} '-' {No Clone: Not first Ship to clone} 'L' {No Clone: Low Tec-Level} 'B' {No Clone: No/Wrong Base} 'P' {No Clone: Not over Planet} 'M' {No Clone: Not enough Minerals} '$' {No Clone: Not enough Cash} 'W' {No Clone: Not Warp 0} 'S' {No Clone: Building Ship} ! Fixed File-Access-Error in Pretent Next Base 2013-04-01 - 2013-04-02 Quapla (3.65b8) ! Removed tasks.pas, Set $DEFINE TASKS to include undone Tasks by Alex Ivlev 2002 maybe this saves valuable memory... ! F8 is again Find Ships, after 10 Years of waiting... ! Minor bugfix in Goturn (F11) fixed, possible range is now shown ! Minor bugfix and cosmetics in ground attck simulation + Help added of Shift-F11 Common Mistakes - to be added + bugfixed in keyprocessor of help ! CalcMaxPop may has still errors. ! Wrong Function caused RED-Alert because of losing Supplies (only affecting beta7) 2013-04-04 - Quapla (3.65b9) ! Pillage/RGA Calculations fixed (first move then RGA/Pillage) ! Happyness calculation optimized ! Calculation Ground Attack now OK ! order in CalcMaxPop changed. Decay and Terraformer, Civil War/Riots not calculated. ! found limitation in Forecast: only THost calculated, maybe i will add PHost later (using odd formulas of CalcMaxPop) + CTRL-V added to edit Common Mistakes parameters in VPACMx.INI ! NoNTax in Common Mistakes reestablished (acts like VPA 364 beta 4, LowNTax) ! Clone in Common Mistakes bugfixed ! Compatibility to XP/DOS checked 2013-04-08 Quapla (3.65 - Release) 2013-04-09 - 2013-04-14 Quapla (3.66b2) + Shows bases that built, lastbuilt and are supposed to be to build next + Reads Distress Call (Ground Attack) messages and puts correct planet owner 2013-04-14 Quapla (3.66b3) ! Bugfix in calculation of of Ground Attack simulation 2013-04-20 - 2013-05-04 Quapla (3.66b4) ! Bugfix in calculation of Pillage/RGA forecast ! Ground Attack Sim optimized 2013-05-04 - 2013-05-08 Quapla (3.66b5) + Common Mistakes added: Check 'trg'/'pop', Build Base, No construction on starbase ! Shows if a Starbase might be built (Minerals+Cash on Planet and Ships) + Shows PlanetYnfos, aka Minerals and Money on Planet (Shift Y) + Shows Navtives at planets (Shift N) 2013-05-11 - 2013-05- Quapla (3.66b6) ! Reset Video and Mouse, now CTRL-V ! Config Common Mistakes Parameter, now CTRL-W ! New Addon-Feature "Teleport" - use CRTL-U to activate + Shows Teleport-Add-On Bases with transfer, SHIFT-V ! All unfinished "task-code" removed by {$IFDEF TASKS} ! Minor bug in forecast duranium fixed + Teleport added in forecast + Teleport-Control in Planet/Base dialog 2013-05-11 Quapla (3.66b7) ! Minor bugfixes, non adressed TX/RX displayed + Teleport Add-on in Common Mistakes (F11) 2013-05-17 Quapla (3.66) + Bugfixes 2013-05-19 Quapla (3.67b1) + Teleport Add-On integrated in Quality-Assurane (#) ! Improvements in Quality Assurance (toggle view, more data for bases) - Help added CTRL-L, # ! Planet Sim: Max Colos some bugs fixed, THOST added 2013-05-24 Quapla (3.67b2) + Key 'ü' same as Shift-O (Ship marked OK) ! Saw in code not in help: 'ö' same as SPACE, 'ä' same as CTRL-ENTER ! fixed minesim (Shift F10), now allied fields are treated correctly, maybe move check code to startup, vpa3.pas 'Phase 0' to be treated corrctly, at least one overlaping minefield must exist. ! minor changes in Minesim, second circle was given up ! minor changes in QualityAssurance, Teleport Manager 2013-05-31 Quapla (3.67b3) ! Redesign of Teleport-Addon + In Quality-Assurance (# or Shift-V) 'z' to center map 2013-06-05 Quapla (3.67b4) ! Reset Mouse and Video moved to CTRL-S (sorry again) + Teleport-Overview at CTLR-V, so together with SHIFT-V (view on/off), ALT-V (Teleport Manager) ! Fixed memory waste in TempShip-Management 2013-06-14 Quapla (3.67b5) ! some more bugs in Minesim fixed, now recocnizes own fields correctly, and colonial fightersweep works, too. Decay comes after lay/sweep + Minesim: no sweep inside Ionstorms, mineexplosions ! show Superrefit fixed + show Super Spy D. (deluxe) if fcode does NOT start with 'x', otherwise show it yellow (standard superspy without planet fcode change) 2013-08-20-2013-09-08 Quapla (3.67b6) ! Crash in Mine-Sim fixed ! Wrong data shown at Teleport-Info (Old Planets, no Bases etc.) 2013-12-08-2013-12-24 Quapla (3.67b7) + Unity Features added: bd[1-9,h], Klingon Vailand makes fighters ! lfm added (experimantal) ! Hiss, Pillage RGA now fixed again (in planet screen, happyness change), speed optimized ! Player 4+10 movement only if ShowForecast (Shift-F) is on 2013-12-24- Quapla (3.67b8) ! Rounding Pillage prediction fixed ! Teleport Tool CTRL-V: now shows 5 digits, press space to center, TAB to zoom + Common errors Shift F11: Switch off calculation of taxes for 1-clan planets in config 2013-12-26-2013-12-29 Quapla (3.67b9) + ALT-F1: Online-Help integrated - Take care to remap DOSBOX eventually you need external program (in DOC distribution) to show textfiles If you get messed just delete VPAHELP.INI ! Speed optimization in Common Errors (new option added, since accurate calculation takes very long (Simulate Hostrun for every ship for correct RGA/Pillage) ! Bug fixes in ships over planets ! Bugfixed in Common Errors (S-Warpwell), btw. never pull roots from negative numbers unless you know what you are doing [Thanks to Fireage] + All ini-files can be edited within VPA (needs DOS in VPA folder) -> all new functions are highly experimental. -> Esp. check CPU power, maybe you have to switch of forecast (Shift-F) -> last 3.67 beta 2013-12-30-2014-01-11 Quapla (3.67 final) + simulate ground defense against aggressor ('C' on planet screen) ! Bugfix in Addon-Unity, calculation of supplies ! Bugfix in GetshipsOverPlanet, only under XP/DOS ! GetShipsOverPlanet improved/recalculated, if ships Mission or Fuel is manipulated 2014-05-29- Quapla (3.68 beta 1) + simulate Orbiter-Add-on (press 'i' on any planet), mostly accurate. Known bugs/improvemets: -> Add a marker for Orbiter, maybe show all planets -> strange Crash after Clone (fixed in 3.70) 2016-06-17 Quapla (3.70) - New VPA-NU-Era: Try to Improve Gameplay + Usage of host (CTRL-U -> Host NU : ON) + Different ammount of mines/factories/defenses on planets (thanks to streu) + Some changes to VPA.MSG to read NU messages -> to be improved a lot! ! Crash after clone fixed ! Different Fuel-Usage for NU-Host (still experimental) ! Added Explore-Field for NU, Scans ION Storm Messages to make Rhombe 2016-06-26 Quapla (3.71) ! Pillage calculation-Bug fixed ('Pill:') ! NU Distance correction (81.5LY (round) not 81.9LY (ceiling)) ! Minor changes in Show Connections 2016-07-16 Quapla (3.71c) + Reads Ionstorm info from Utilx.dat TODO: · Enlarge Data-Field of Common Mistakes, and give better names · Read Allies from Messages with VPA.MSG BUGs - on SVGA mode mouse coursor is shifted on my RIVA 128 making this mode unuseable. - Memory leaks or run out memory perform a shut down of VPA. Need help here. NOTE - if data space runs out again, save 10k by moving PlanetNames to heap. Not added: * same parameters read from Phost config may be arrays. Now only value for race 1 is readed and used. * remote control flags should be stored in database * Native 10000 PHost minefields support.